37 lines
1023 B
37 lines
1023 B
#Update all the sections by editing the data.yml file inside _data folder.
# Site Settings
title: Robert Johnson - Resume 2024
url: 'http://robertjohnson.work'
#change it according to your repository name
# disabling since we are using a custom domain
#baseurl: '/online-cv'
description: Compassionate technologist specializing in creating secure, cloud-based solutions.
# Style will be applied only after restarting the build or serve. Just choose one of the options.
theme_skin: ceramic # blue turquoise green berry orange ceramic
chrome_mobile_color: #use hex colors (ex:#1976d2) or leave empty if you don't want a color for chrome mobile searchbar
# Tracker
# Sass/SCSS
sass_dir: _sass
style: compressed # http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#output_style
# Build settings
compress-site: yes
encoding: "utf-8"
compress_html: # - http://jch.penibelst.de/
clippings: all
envs: development
# Development Settings
port: 4000
host: localhost
safe: false